Sunday, October 11, 2009

Una Mas Dia en La Oficina

Many a times I have heard a humorous sigh or witnessed a crooked grin when I explain to people how exhausted I am after a week of photographing my peers, my family, and my community.

"How can it be that hard? You've got the eye, that's all it takes." ... is usually a somewhat normal response..

Please take a few moments and a couple breathes to understand if you will, the level of intimacy and amazing energy we deal with in every moment of what we are doing.

Anxious and glowing brides about to fulfill a dream come true -- uniting with the one person they feel can complete them and accomplish their hopes, goals, and dreams ... Children that have no choice but to not really care about the goofy guy with the ' shiny black thing that would put me in timeout if i dropped'', .... or an ever so elegant swan feather that decided to land perfectly in front of my lense to show me how beautiful and precise this world really is.... are just a few of the many characteristics of the world we get to focus our time and energy on..

With each click of the finger and with each zoom of the lense, we as photographers give up a little piece of our hearts and our souls. We connect with the space between the past and the future and visually document exactly what the present moment looks like to us. When a client chooses me to photograph anything, I take it as a personal and honorable opportunity to show them a unique and unbelievable view of how I feel and am witnessing the world in that moment.

This is where photographers can set each other part : and the same goes for any artist in any field.

Those who can consistently put themselves in a state of complete clarity, focus, and compassion, will soon realize that their work's success rate and the ability to impress and inspire more and more people will increase dramatically; and the lives of those who witness your creations will have no choice but to be effected.

Remember, the quality and experience with the equipment you are using also plays an important but not necessary role in the end result of your work.

Each photography opportunity and each changing season brings new challenges and new knowledge to a set of photographers like us. I have learned through certain Zen teachings that one of the best attitudes and views one can maintain, is the view of a BEGINNER. When someone is beginning a new ventur
e, EVERYTHING is new, fresh, exciting, or challenging! With this type of mindset we have approached most of our areas of photography. By not following all the rules, by not settling for other's expectations, and by always trying to find the humor and vigor in each new experience, we have successfully marketed and created a product that is changing people's lives.

Our work does not provoke the level of physical labor as a landscaper, or demand the amount of concentration as a heart surgeon. Yet, it still requires the same level of winding down and rest for the mind, body, and soul..

My favorite thing to do to wind down is to walk in the woods and find a spider web glimmering in the sunlight. It is a fun and tantalizing experience to try to locate the spider who spun the web :).. sometimes it takes many minutes and one time it took me an hour! Usually though, with a little patience, the arachnid shows his face! (possibly out of it's own curiosity!)

I'd like to know what you do to wind down (healthy). Please leave a brief or long comment and be detailed. We love to learn!

Thanks again for taking a few moments of your day or night, and whatever your work may be - take some moments for yourself to wind down :)

Kyle Miron
CK Unlimited Photography

1 comment:

  1. Photography is the most beautiful passion to me. When you really find something that you love so much, that nothing else matters to you except that love. Hold onto it. I am at the most perfect moment when i am about to click my shutter. Not a single worry in the world can penetrate my soul. Capturing a moment is more then just a photo. Its a lifestyle, its a connection, its romantic and its REAL. "Do what you love and love what you do".. Has really meant a lot to me to be working with you guys.. A.R.
